Moosend troubleshooting: differences between member activity in 2 email lists

Today I will share with you how I solved an issue with the duplication of member activity in Moosend email lists.

This is a glitch that Moosend has that can be annoying because you end up with two different user profiles that are not updated evenly.

How to fix the differences between member activity in 2 email lists

A user can be added to an email list in Moosend via different options: manual entry, importing a CSV file, API integration, web forms, landing pages, integration with third-party apps, subscription widgets and pop-ups or via a manual import from other email marketing platforms.

When a member is added to a list via any of the ways mentioned above and then it receives an email automation, the member is copied to a default list created by Moosend. 

When a member / subscriber receives an automated campaign, the sending is recorded in the member details in both lists, but when the member interacts, this is only recorded in one list. This causes differences between the activity of one single member with details existing in two different lists.

For example, you might have two lists: “List 1” and “List 2”. One of them is created (duplicated by Moosend).

Subscribers from “List 1” are not updated, while subscribers from “List 2”, are. And this can cause issues, because two profiles are created for the same subscribers but only one of them shows their activity (their engagement with your email campaign).

In my case, what has worked for me is to figure out which is the list that Moosend updates when a user interacts, move all updated data to that list and erase the other one to avoid conflict.

I hope this article was useful. You might want to have a look at the free email marketing plan template to organise your email activity.

Also, did you know that using AI can help you boost your marketing efforts? And it is not difficult at all!. I mean, if a cat like me can do it, you can too. Check this article on how to use Chat GTP for your email strategy.

Stay whisker-tuned for my next purr-fect marketing update!