8 ways to boost your Ezoic revenue (EPMV)

In today’s posts we will explore how to improve Ezoic revenue (EPMV). If you are on this advertising network and have noticed a decrease in your EPMV or your overall revenue, worry not more! We will dive deep into 8 specific actions I have personally taken to improve my EPMV in Ezoic.

I started to use Ezoic for one of my sites last year and even though it looked promising, revenue has decreased heavily since January this year.

I analysed the different causes and made a plan to get my revenue back on track. Below you can find a summary of the solutions that I applied and actually worked. Hopefully they will work for your monetised site too. 

Let me know in the comments or by email if you have other comments or questions.

Down below you have more information on how to implement each of these tactics to improve EPMV.

8 ways to boost your Ezoic revenue (EPMV):

Area of improvementActionsDescriptionResult
Content optimisationsTranslate content into new languagesFind what countries out of your main region visit your site and consider translating content in their language. Here is how to translate a website easily for free.I translated the 50 pages with the most traffic as a test and traffic from foreign speaking countries increased, although it took over 3 months to receive around 75% of traffic that the original language has.
Improve content  Identify content that needs time-based update or misses important information and update it. This is not geared towards SEO but User Experience.Bounce rate decreased but did not have a significant change over EPMV.
Add content to shorter posts (download the report in Excel from Ezoic) to 1000 to 2500 words. All pages should have between 7 to 10 ads.In the Ezoic report you can check the revenue per word count. If there is any content shorter than the average, fill it out with relevant information. 

On the flip side, if there is content longer than average with lower EPMV, consider splitting it into two.
No action needed as shorter than average content was performing well too.
Create more “how to content”Sites that are heavy on affiliate content can suffer from lower EPMV. If your content has more affiliate based content, consider creating informational content that is relevant to your affiliate content.No action needed as affiliate and informational content are even.
Ads optimisationsAdd more placeholders to pages with low revenue. Find pages with many pageviews but low revenue and add more placeholders.
Ezoic categorises your pages into groups according to their format and allocates an ad pattern that is optimised for that.
No action taken, as all pages had enough place holders.
Add Humix videosCreate and add videos to your site by using existing content with the tool Humix available on Exoic.10% increase in a two week period, but user experience is impacted negatively, so I remove Humix.
Technical optimisationsApply LEAP suggestions.Apply LEAP suggestions to optimise LEAP & Cache Settings, Core Web Vitals, and SEO.5% increase in EMPV over the first month.
DNS integrationChange from Plugin to DNS integration. In the post how to change domain names in WordPress I explain the step by step tutorial, as Ezoic has no documentation on it.2% increase in EMPV over the first month. Not the impact expected.

Here is a breakdown of the different actions I took to optimise my EPMV on Ezoic:

Content Optimisations

By content optimisations I mean any changes in the content that can lead to a direct increase in the revenue per mille earnings.

Translate content into new languages

Find what countries out of your main region visit your site and consider translating content in their language. 

To identify countries outside your main region visiting your site and consider translating content in Google Analytics (GA), you can use two reports:

  1. Audience > Geo > Location. Here, you’ll find a list of countries and their respective metrics.
  2. Audience > Geo. Here you can identify language preferences to determine the preferred languages of your website visitors. This will help in understanding which languages to consider for translation.

This is my article on how to translate a website easily for free.

In my case, I started to translate my site into English, as it was the second major language. The first one was Spanish.

Improve content  

Identify content that needs time-based update or misses important information and update it. This is not geared towards SEO but User Experience.

Add content to shorter posts (download the report in Excel from Ezoic) to 1000 to 2500 words. All pages should have between 7 to 10 ads.

In the Ezoic report you can check the revenue per word count. If there is any content shorter than the average, fill it out with relevant information. 

On the flip side, if there is content longer than average with lower EPMV, consider splitting it into two.

Create more “how to content”

Sites that are heavy on affiliate content can suffer from lower EPMV. If your content has more affiliate based content, consider creating informational content that is relevant to your affiliate content.

Informational content serves as a critical foundation for effective affiliate marketing on a niche website. Firstly, it educates and engages the audience, establishing trust and credibility within the niche. Informational content addresses the needs, problems, and queries of the target audience, positioning the website as a valuable resource. 

Once trust is established through informational content, strategically integrated affiliate marketing content becomes more effective. Through well-crafted affiliate pages on top of the informational content, visitors are guided to products or services that align with their interests.

The synergy between informational and affiliate content is beneficial for both the audience and the website owner. Visitors gain insights and recommendations, enhancing their experience, while website owners can monetise their platform by earning commissions from affiliate partnerships. 

Ads optimisations

Add more placeholders to pages with low revenue. 

Find pages with many pageviews but low revenue and add more placeholders.

Ezoic categorises your pages into groups according to their format and allocates an ad pattern that is optimised for that.

Sometimes pages are not detected as similar enough to other pages where placeholders were added and there are no placeholders on some of these pages. 

Go to these pages and add Ezoic ad placeholders (in many cases, they will have enough in common that it may only need to be done to one page for Ezoic to auto-detect and add to the other pages similarly affected)

Add Humix videos

Create and add videos to your site by using existing content with the tool Humix available on Ezoic.

Humix by Ezoic is a technology platform that utilises AI and machine learning to optimise and personalise website user experiences. It helps website owners understand visitor behaviour, preferences, and intent, allowing for data-driven decisions to improve engagement and revenue. 

Humix focuses on enhancing user satisfaction and monetization by tailoring content, layout, and ad placements, ultimately maximising the value generated from website traffic.

Technical optimisations

Apply LEAP suggestions.

Apply LEAP suggestions to optimise LEAP & Cache Settings, Core Web Vitals, and SEO.

LEAP (Learning and Earning Acceleration Program) suggestions from Ezoic are actionable recommendations generated through artificial intelligence. They advise website owners on optimising content, layouts, ad placements, and other elements to enhance user experiences and increase revenue. 

LEAP uses data-driven insights to suggest improvements, helping publishers make informed decisions to improve their site’s performance and profitability.

DNS integration

Change from Plugin to DNS integration. In the post how to change domain names in WordPress I explain the step by step tutorial, as Ezoic has no documentation on it.

However, I have to say, I have experienced some issues with the site being down for a little bit after I moved to DNS, so keep an eye on that and use WordPress plugin if needed.

Does Ezoic EPMV change throughout the year?

Yes, Ezoic’s EPMV (Earned Per Mille Visitors) can change throughout the year for a variety of reasons. 

When I first joined, I didn’t take this into consideration. My first month was October 2022, when the EPMV was high due to seasonality. The trend increased over November and December 2022, and I was very happy.

However, in January 2023 I saw a decrease that had no explanation. And the trends was downwards in the following months. 

In the month of April my site got severely impacted by a Google algorithm update, which is an external factor that has nothing to do with Ezoic, but the EMPV was still low.

Since August 2023 I have seen an increase in the EMPV which is following an upwards trend (now is October 2023). Even though my traffic is the same, the revenue Earned Per Mille Visitors has increased.

This is to explain that, yes, Ezoic EPMV is heavily impacted by seasonality and fluctuates throughout the year. It starts to increase in August and reduces drastically in January.

The reason why the Earned Per Mille Visitors in Ezoic changes is mainly due to advertisers typically spending more budget towards the end of the year. Hence why we saw an increase since August.

However, several factors can influence the fluctuation of EPMV over time:


Many websites experience seasonal fluctuations in traffic and advertising demand. For example, e-commerce websites often see increased traffic and ad revenue during the holiday season. Conversely, some niches may have lower demand during certain times of the year.

Advertiser Demand: 

Advertisers may change their budgets and bidding strategies throughout the year. This can impact the competition for ad placements on your website and, consequently, your EPMV.

Content and Audience: 

The type of content you publish and the behaviour of your audience can vary seasonally. If you create content related to specific events or holidays, your traffic and ad revenue may fluctuate accordingly.

Ad Placement and Strategy: 

Ezoic uses machine learning to optimise ad placements and strategies. These optimizations can evolve over time, affecting your EPMV as the algorithms adapt to changing user behaviour and ad market conditions. Although from my experience, Ezoic’s Machine Learning picks up things very quickly and the low spells don’t usually last long.

External Factors: 

External factors such as changes in economic conditions, industry trends, or global events can also influence advertising demand and, consequently, EPMV.

To better understand and manage your EPMV fluctuations, you should monitor your performance over time, analyse trends, and adjust your content and ad strategies accordingly. 

Ezoic offers tools and insights to help publishers optimise their ad revenue and user experience, which can help mitigate the impact of seasonal fluctuations on EPMV. Some of them don’t do much, but others can make a little impact. Nothing will make it or break, because I have tried absolutely everything, but I do believe that small things add up.

On top of these optimisations, I will keep an eye on any new updates from Ezoic that can help boost revenue. You can have a look at their Training and Events section and their Webinar Library to keep on learning.

Ezoic is a great platform to get started when you are starting with running ads. However, you might run into some issues from time to time, specially if you are integrated with DNS. One common error is related to a homepage redirect, which can be quite scary. Here is how to fix the ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS issue when you are with Ezoic.

I hope that these 8 ways to boost your Ezoic revenue (EPMV) that I applied to improve revenue on my site help you too. 

Good luck on your website journey! Stay purr-sistent, my savvy marketers, and catch you in the next paw-some post!